Micky van Zeijl works as design researcher at the Lectorate of Civic Interaction Design.
She’s liaison between the research project Charging the Commons and education. In addition she works as lecturer at the department of Communication and Multimedia Design (CMD) at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS). She develops and teaches courses in Design Ethics, Critical Making, Speculative Design and Digital Fabrication. She is an enthusiastic maker and thinker and loves to inspire students to combine theory and philosophy with their applied (digital) design work.
She has a bachelor Interaction Design and a European Media Master of Arts in Interactive Multi Media both from the HKU University of the Arts Utrecht. And she has a MA in New Media and Digital Culture from the Utrecht University. She finished the Fabacademy in 2019 and in addition she followed the Making Sustainability Work Masterclasses which were part of the Textile-academy. She worked for the PICNIC Festival in Amsterdam and the Dutch Electronic Art Festival and developed the digital storytelling pilot Swartzshield in honor of Aron Swartz. She was one of the finalist of het HEMA redesign challenge in 2022.