Join us at the Nieuw Instituut After Summer School | SET 30th – OCT 4th 

During the Nieuw Instituut After Summer School (30/09 – 4/10 2024) over 20 public classes will take place throughout the Rotterdam, presenting the city as a hub for knowledge that deserves to be recognized and included in the city development. How can we change the city by looking, listening, writing, archiving, collaborating, activating, researching, designing, and walking differently? 

Our Transition-Scapes project will contribute to the After Summer School program with the event:

People-Powered Transition | October 3rd, 14:00-16:30

  • By Linda Vlassenrood (Transition-Scapes) x Huis van de Toekomst
  • Location: Huis van de Toekomst, Jan Kobellstraat 56A, 3026 SV Rotterdam
  • Language: Dutch

This year, 14 houses and courtyards in the Rotterdam district of Bospolder-Tussendijken will become a House of the Future – a collective household based on community power. Through baking bread together, insulating homes with old clothes, creating a charging garden for people and animals, gas-free cooking, yoga, massages and bodywork, a People Power Plant will be created, based on human energy as its main energy source. This workshop, developed by Transition-Scapes, a research group at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, will focus on testing scenarios of how such local energy and resources can make a community grow.

During the After Summer School, the New Academy works with Afrikaanderwijk Coöperatie, Changerism, Concrete Blossom, Huis van de Toekomst / Transition-Scapes, Independent School for the City, Internationale Architectuur Biënnale Rotterdam, Niels Spaans, Nieuwe Instituut, OMI | Stories about Architecture, Santiago del Hierro, Shay Kreuger, Stadspark West, Stichting Wijkcollectie, Stine Jensen / EsPhil, Ursula Biemann, Varia, Verhalenhuis Belvédère, Vers Beton, WaterSchool / Stichting het Park, and Zoöp. Find the overview of events here and secure a ticket for any classes you like —the available spots are limited and vary by its location. 

The New Academy 

The New Academy is an initiative of the Nieuwe Instituut in collaboration with philosopher Rosi Braidotti that reimagines Rotterdam as a knowledge city. It aims to create a local platform for new ways of learning to address complex social and ecological challenges together. It is centered around knowledge that is city-based, minoritarian, more-than-human, and embodied.