The EIT – European Institute of Innovation and Technology selected the ‘ICE- Innovation by Creative Economy’ to build the new EIT Culture & Creativity. The new pan-European partnership can expect to split approximately EUR 300 million of EIT funding under Horizon Europe (dedicated funding for two new EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities to be launched during the 2021-2027 EU funding period) with the possibility to leverage more funds from the private and public sector.
The winning team is composed of a pan-European partnership of more than 50 partners from 20 countries. At CivicIxD, are proud to be part of this group, joining a consortium of eight parties initiated by our long-time collaborator Public Art Lab and the Connecting Cities Network. Together we plan to set up a broad variety of programs in the coming years that explore the implications of digital and responsive technologies for public spaces and practices of placemaking.
We are looking forward to shaping the future of placemaking as a key aspect of the current ecological, economic, and social transformation. How to keep urban environments liveable as cities address a wide range of societal challenges, how to share and make sense of diverse histories and identities, how to co-create shared and sustainable futures.