How can digital platforms in health care & welfare benefit the people of Amsterdam?
With the Futuring HealthCare project, the HvA, the City of Amsterdam and Zilveren Kruis explored the possibilities and threats of using digital platforms to contribute to a better healthcare landscape.
How can we encourage digitalisation and digital platforms to contribute to a healthy society, in which the opportunities of new technologies in the field of data, algorithms and platforms are used to stimulate ‘healthy living’ on the one hand, and to improve healthcare provision on the other? And how can public values be safeguarded in that process?
Through a series of speculative design workshops, we explored developments in the field of platforming and healthcare. In expert sessions, we analysed the outcomes to come up with insights that can help Zilveren Kruis and the City of Amsterdam to formulate strategic policies on digital platforms for healthcare. This process is showcased in the project’s final report, which can be read and downloaded below: